Sets in Python
A guide to knowing more about set data type in python!
Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. This means that there can only be one representative of the same object.
>>> set1 = set()
>>> set1
Add values in the set
>>> set1.add(11)
>>> set1
It might look like a dictionary because of the curly braces but it’s not because there are no key-value pairs.
>>> set1.add(22)
>>> set1
{11, 22}>>> set1.add(22)
>>> set1
{11, 22}
Even after adding the number ‘22’ again, it cannot be seen in the set because sets do not accept repeated objects and accept only unique values.
When we have a list with repeated values, it can be typecast to a set to get only the unique ones.
>>> list1 = [11,11,22,33,44,44,44,44,55]
>>> set(list1)
{11, 22, 33, 44, 55}
Refer to the notebook here.
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